Want a fast-paced, hands-on experience to get your head around what LEGO Serious Play is? One that drives you to do your very best thinking, generates deep and memorable conversation, and also happens to be a lot of genuine, playful fun?
LEGO Serious Play is a powerful (and playful!) method that helps people to embrace complexity, communicate powerfully, and better exercise their creativity in the face of complex things. It loves a conversation that doesn’t have any straight answers.
It’s ideal for people who love wrangling with big ideas, who want the people in their world to think & communicate better, and for anyone who’s ever watched a group of four year olds and thought “maybe they’re onto something.”
You’ll walk away from this session with two things.
🧱 First, you’ll have had a chance to explore some big ideas in the world today with your peers, using the LEGO Serious Play method.
🧱 Second, you’ll take away some insights on how it might be something you could make a part of your life.
(You’ll also have a lot of fun.)
Register Here: https://tally.so/r/wALzxo