Ignite (or reignite) that creative spark, and turn your ideas into action. Idea Studio for young learners from middle primary and up follow a process grounded in well-established principles of creative inquiry learning  and design thinking,. It gives kids the experience, mindsets, support, and equipment to help them to follow their nose, get their hands dirty, and pursue their ideas to fruition.

Design, prototype, test. Build it, connect it, make it work, and share it. Do real stuff.


Our program for very young learners – a weekly purposeful play program for 3 year olds. We’ll help your children develop empathy, listening & communication skills, patience, and self-regulation through storytelling and creative play.


To get the best ideas flowing in your team, you can do better than talk and sticky notes. Using LEGO® bricks as the common language for creative expression, we can help your organisation embrace complexity, communicate powerfully, and harness creativity.